전체 글 62

UK ISP TalkTalk Monitoring Users Without Consent (Deep Packet Inspection)

For more information, see also EPIC Deep Packet Inspection. ... about Phorm's Deep Packet Inspection Technology with UK internet service providers, the ... by prohibiting interception and surveillance without the user's consent. ... After inspecting the contents of users' packers, ISPs can use DPI to perform .... An anonymous reader writes "The UK ISP TalkTalk has been caught using a form of Dee..

카테고리 없음 2021.03.25

How Far Off Are The Election Results… It Could Be A Lot. | Hollerbackfilm.com merczym

Download How Far Off Are The Election Results… It Could Be A Lot. | Hollerbackfilm.com Download This is a true mandate and we saw after the results that even the opposition ... There is absolutely sort of no way that you could have done much ... if Modi by any chance loses five years from now, it will be entirely due to him ... He did not like a lot of that and he kept telling us that the only w..

카테고리 없음 2021.03.24